1. Bringing out the treasure :
Author: edited by Mark J. Boda and Michael H. Floyd, with a major contribution by Rex Mason.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Bible., Zechariah, IX-XIV-- Criticism, interpretation, etc.,Bible., A.T., Zacharie., IX-XIV-- Critique, interprétation, etc.,Intertekstualiteit.,RELIGION-- Biblical Studies-- Prophets.,Zacharia (bijbelboek)
Classification :

2. Thematic threads in the Book of the Twelve /
Author: edited by Paul L. Redditt and Aaron Schart
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Bible-- Criticism, interpretation, etc,Bible., Minor Prophets,Bible., Minor Prophets-- Criticism, interpretation, etc